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Monthly Archives: June 2023

5 "Anti Aging" Slow Down Live Longer

5 “Anti Aging” Slow Down Live Longer

“Anti Aging” Everyone does not want to get old. I want to be fit and look young forever. Even after getting older. But what to do Don’t worry! Today, everyone will be healthy and aging more slowly because we have 5 ways to slow down aging from the book ‘The science

Symptoms of Menstruation, Diarrhea

Symptoms of Menstruation, Diarrhea

Symptoms of Menstruation. Some people may have diarrhea before their menstruation comes. Or some of them before, during, and after menstruation ever Is this going to be abnormal menstrual symptoms or just PMS symptoms? It is believed that many girls have diarrhea before their menstruation comes. Which in addition

"Poor sleep quality", insomnia Risk of various diseases

“Poor sleep quality”, insomnia Risk of various diseases

Sleep is essential to life. Because it allows the brain and body to rest Repair damaged cells Knowing. Both the benefits of sleeping, but this generation still can’t hold their eyes to sleep. Both due to personal behavior and health problems How to sleep well And what if you have a bad

"Ketogenic", 1 week keto diet plan

“Ketogenic”, 1 week keto diet plan

Ketogenic, for anyone who wants to lose weight to be effective in addition to exercising on a regular basis. We also have to control our diet. Because the food we eat is the main factor that will make us fat or thin enough. Which if anyone who does not know